All that the Father gives Me, will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.

When we come to Christ He will never turn us away. We can come in brokenness. He heals us. We can come in fear.  He calms us.  We can come in sorrow.  He comforts us. We can come in bitterness. He soothes us.  We can come downtrodden.  He lifts and encourages us.  We can come in sin. He restores us. By no means will He cast us out or turn us away.  He knows our past. He continues to love us.  He doesn’t focus on what we were or what we are. He sees what we can become. He saves us. We are His.  Praying this day we rest safely in the arms of the One who promises to keep us.

Categories: Inspirational


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