The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

No matter how dark a room is when a small candle is lit the darkness cannot extinguish its light. In the same manner no matter how small an act of kindness is, evil cannot destroy it.  So many think our contributions in life must be large or extravagant to make a difference.  However, the gift’s size doesn’t matter. It’s the purpose that makes the difference. There are times the gift may stand alone and accomplish its purpose. Other times the gift is needed to join with others to accomplish the purpose.  The smallest gift provided with love and unselfishness shatters the dark.  The dark does not win. The gift of yourself lights the way for others. It matters. You matter. Your gift completes the purpose.  Praying this day your light will pierce the darknes around you.

Categories: Inspirational


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