And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.

God’s Holy Spirit has been given to be with us forever. He does what Jesus would do if Jesus were physically present with us. Jesus promised He would not leave us orphans, but would send the Comforter in His place. We aren’t left alone to face life. God knew our needs. Our need for Him. His plan has been perfected in Christ and the Holy Spirit. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ours. The trials we face aren’t faced alone. The burdens we bear aren’t carried alone. Pain and joy are shared. We’re called to cast our burdens, do not fear, ask, seek and knock–Holy Spirit is with us now and forever. On earth through eternity.  Jesus asked in prayer for us. God delivered for us. Holy Spirit is with us. Praying this day we rest in the strength of God’s Holy Spirit.

Categories: Inspirational