Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.

Our entire day is a rushing from here to there. Point A seems to keep moving away from point B. We’ve seem to have forgotten the ability to be still. The wonders of God blur in our race of life. There are so many verses in the Bible reminding us to be still. We miss the glories of God and His creation in our busy trek. Sunrises and sunsets streak the skies in splendor. The delicate patterns of a dragon fly’s wing go unnoticed. The strength of a single dandelion bursting in the crack of a sidewalk missed. Our eyes are glued to phones. Our ears tuned to constant chatter. We miss the concerts of the birds, the melodious rhythm of the rain, the brilliant brushstrokes of the clouds and so many times the smile of others. How many times as children did we hear our parents telling us to be still? Our Heavenly Father is reminding us to be still. Be still and know He is God. Be still in the refuge of His arms. Be still and be amazed at His wondrous works. Praying this day we still ourselves and see His glory that surrounds us.

Categories: Inspirational