I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.

Weary–the very word that describes us.  It seems each day brings a new realization that our strength is fading and fading fast. A glimmer of normal rises only to be extinguished by another issue or problem. Weariness is not new. Generation after generation has felt the heaviness of uncertainty. And yet, God has been present  generation after generation granting His strength in man’s weakness. His strength rises in our weakness. When we rest in Him we are refreshed. With Him we can take the next step. It is His hand that holds us upright. We only need to let Him hold all we have. We need to let go of our feeble attempts to control the situations surrounding us. We will faint in our power, but can rise in His power. Praying this day we allow God to strengthen us.

Categories: Inspirational