Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy.

This should become the banner for every individual in the medical field at this time. Voices have trembled. Tears have flowed. We feel helpless. There are moments we are unsure if we are making a difference. There are more disappointments than victories. Senses are numb. Emotions are raw. This enemy seems to be overcoming. BUT our God will reward the work. He sees every tender touch. He hears every tear soaked prayer. He is preparing good to burst forth. As we take one more step forward He is with us. He understands our questions  and doubts. He understands our fears. He understands our weariness and frailties. He understands. We do not understand.  That is what troubles us the most. We may never understand. Today, just for today let us seek out the rewards. The rewards of bonds made with fellow warriors in the battle. Bonds made with  patients, residents and their families. The rewards of small victories. A drop in fever. An oxygen stat rising. An appetite returning. A tearful “thank you.” A weak smile. Another day. God hears us because we have been chosen. Chosen for such a time as this. Praying this day we bring our tears and weeping to the God of rescue and reward.

Categories: Inspirational


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