If you look for Me wholeheartedly you will find Me.

When looking for God wholeheartedly we are promised we will find Him. Often we feel like God is everywhere and there’s no need to look for Him. It’s true He is everywhere. But to find God as Father, Savior and Friend that becomes a different search. It becomes very personal one. Wholeheartedly is not a word we use much in our daily vocabulary.  It is defined as completely,  with sincerity and commitment, without reservation.  Those words describe a deep search. One that goes beneath the surface. The question for us is– how sincere are we in searching for God? Do we fear finding Him on such an in depth level? Do we fear what sins He’ll reveal? Do we really desire a personal and individual relationship with Him? Can we be satisfied with merely a congregational acquaintance? All questions we must answer for ourselves.  Praying this day we look wholeheartedly for God and find Him waiting for us.

Categories: Inspirational


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