"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "

We often hope this verse means we will be successful and financially taken care of,  but let’s pause and remember God values spiritual wealth and well being.  God has spiritual plans for each of us. Before the world began He had a plan for our life. He had a purpose we were meant to fulfill.  This verse is followed by verses reminding us to seek God, call upon Him and He will hear our prayers. He promises us He can be found. In Him is our divine hope. Our spiritual wealth or poverty is determined by the decisions we make. As the new year approaches it might be to our benefit to reflect, repent and renew. Reflect on our true calling and purpose. Repent those things that interfere with our calling and purpose. Renew our commitment to answer our calling. No one is too far gone to turn back to the open arms of God. His plans for us have not changed no matter how many detours we have taken. Spiritual wealth is still available for each of us. Praying this day we run to the One who will grant peace, hope and security.

Categories: Inspirational