"Am I a God near at hand," says the Lord, "and not a God afar off?"

God is near us always. He goes before us, He stands beside us and He stands behind us through all things. He wants us to feel His Presence. He wants us to never doubt He is with us. He has given us the indwelling of His Holy Spirit to assure us we are never alone. Nothing can separate us from His love. In those times we may feel alone, they are the times we have moved from Him. He never moves. God allows us free will. He doesn’t force us to remain in Him. It’s a mysterious dynamic. He is with us always yet we may not be with Him. It’s our choice. He will never leave or forsake us, but we often leave or forsake Him. He prepares our paths but allows us to choose which path to take.  Our choices always lead to this one eternal individual decision—-choose life or choose death. It’s always going to be our choice. God refuses to stand afar off. He is with us today desiring our choice of life. Life given through His Son. Praying this day we are His children near Him and not afar off.

Categories: Inspirational


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