The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought.

Are you suffering in a drought? Does it feel like your well of hope is drying up? Are you worried there’s no refreshing rain on the horizion? We all go through spiritual dry spells. We all have doubts. We wonder why our prayers don’t seem to be answered.  We need to ask the question–who has moved from the stream of Living Water?  The answer is always the same–it’s us that has drifted into the dry arid sands of life.  God remains. He never changes. He never leaves our side. We are the ones who wander from His Presence.  He is able to satisfy and sustain us in the drought. He is ready to send cloud bursts of blessings to our parched souls. We simply need to close the umbrella of pride and allow the mercy drops to saturate our thirst. He continually guides us by His waters of love and grace. Praying this day we splash in the waves of His love.

Categories: Inspirational