But he who puts his trust in Me shall possess the land, and shall inherit My holy mountains.

Is there a dream or calling God has given you?  Is there “land’ and “mountains” that you’ve been given? The promised land of God’s people was available immediately, but they doubted. For forty years they doubted and listened to those among them that raised fear and pointed out every obstacle. Their trust crumbled.  Their faith faded. They were on the very edge of the land guaranteed by God to be theirs, but rounded the same mountain again and again. Is there a mountain before you? Are there doubts despite God giving you the “land” declared yours? Are your eyes focused on the obstacles rather than God? It’s easier to return to a well known path rather than taking a new one. God has been on every path. He knows all things. The path chosen for you is known to Him. He planned it for you. He will wait for you as He did with the Israelites, but trusting Him will allow you to arrive much sooner. Praying this day we step out in faith to claim and possess the promises He has  proclaimed for us.

Categories: Inspirational


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