He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.

Do you ever feel as if you cannot take one more step? Or you cannot handle one more disruption? Are you one more crisis from a full blown screaming fit? Are you that person that seems to have to think for everyone? Are you that “go to” guy or gal that has to do for everyone? Our strength wanes. Who are we kidding?  Our strength has nose dived. God wants to help in those moments. He wants to renew and replenish our strength. He wants to provide His power to take that next step. The secret to His assistance is found in a verse that follows this one where it reveals “those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.”   When we find ourselves worn, frenzied and exasperated many times it’s because we’re trying to do it alone on our own strength. Our load is much easier to bear when we allow God to carry it. Praying this day we are able to give up control and let God do the lifting.

Categories: Inspirational


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