"Comfort, yes, comfort My people!" says your God.

So many people today need comforting. People everywhere are hurting. Some are without hope. Some are without the basic needs of food, clothing or shelter. Some are consuned by fear. Others are greatly overwhelmed with loneliness or depression. Others are frozen by sorrow or loss. It’s so much. What can we possibly do to make a difference? We’re  able to reach out and touch. Touch one person at a time. Let one person know you care. Knowing someone cares brings comfort.  Meet one need and begin comfort for that one individual.  One person can make a difference in the life of another. Be that one person. You might be that soul needing comfort. Watch for those that cross your path. God is sending His people to comfort. He’s sending that someone to comfort you today. Someone will reach out to you today.  Praying this day we comfort and be comforted for this is the will of our Heavenly Father.

Categories: Inspirational


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