Lord, You will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from You.

God will grant His peace to His people. Not peace as man knows–the absence of conflict but the deep peace of the soul. The peace that leads us to know, without doubt, God has us. He has allowed us to accomplish tasks we didn’t know we could do. We have survived life storms when our mind told us we would sink. He has carried us through fiery trials, deep sorrow, and unbearable pain in His loving arms. His strength manifested in our weakest moments. When we thought we could not take one more step He held us up. As we look back and see what God has done we can look forward with a peace of knowing He will grant us His strength to accomplish the next obstacle. He blesses, guides and loves us through every moment. We need not fear for He is with us. He has secured true peace for us. Praying this day we savor the peace granted by our Heavenly Father.

Categories: Inspirational


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