Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence.

Some people not only receive gifts without trouble, but actually expect gifts. Then there are those folks who seem reluctant to receive anything. The greatest gift ever given is Jesus, our Savior. In our human understanding we have difficulty in believing there are no strings attached. This is a free gift. The enemy attempts to crush our receiving of grace by reminding us we aren’t worthy. He taunts us with reminders of our sins. Christ’s truth remains–the cross has deemed us righteous and worthy of His grace. We can come confidently knowing this sacrifice was made for us. Jesus did this for all. Grace is ours for the asking. No deed or work can purchase it. Our grace has been purchased with the precious blood of God’s Son. We can be confident in His love for us. We can be confident this was done for all and not merely a few.  His grace is for you. It’s for me. Praying this day we confidently approach His throne of grace and receive this gift.

Categories: Inspirational