Let your conduct be without covetousness, be content with such things as you have. For He Himself said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

Are we content with what we have? Aren’t we always wishing for something else or more?  When a friend gets something new don’t we wish it were us? Contentment isn’t always easy. In this verse we are reminded what is truly important.  God has promised never to leave us. He will never forsake us.  His Presence in our lives meets our real need. His love is unmatchable by others or things. Others will let us down. Things will eventually fail to fulfill, break, go out of style or simply destruct. God will be forever. He is everlasting. His love for us does not change no matter what we have or don’t have.  He walks with us in our highs and lows. He loves us at our best and at our worst.  Praying this day we are content in God’s Presence and love.

Categories: Inspirational