And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.

Sometimes in this day and time it seems people do forget to do good.  We hear so many bad and negative actions that we’re almost surprised when we hear of a person that has actually accomplished a good deed. Sharing with those in need may not just refer to material goods. For most of us our time is so precious that spending it with someone is a sacrifice for us.  When we make time to listen or comfort someone hurting, God is pleased. When we take the time to encourage those without hope, God is pleased. When we show kindness to those who rarely experience kindness, God is pleased. Giving money or material things for those in need is needed. If we are able we should do so. This too, pleases God. Giving of one’s self may take more of a sacrifice on our part. This type of giving is a reflection of Jesus. He gave of Himself. He gave Himself. This sacrifice is pleasing to God.  Praying this day we sacrifice our time for those in need of human kindness.

Categories: Inspirational


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