Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.

How can we motivate one another to love and good works in this world of hate, anger and destruction? That’s a hard question.  How does one motivate others to produce love instead of hate? The answer Jesus gives is to love one another. By our examples, either good or bad, we motivate others. As believers we are to be Christ like. Kindness diffuses bitterness. Forgiveness overcomes grudges.  Understanding opens the doors of reconciliation.  Love covers a multitude of sins. It’s easier to motivate hate than love. Hate takes little effort. Love takes dedication. Love is patient. Love does not envy. Love does not harm. Love is long suffering.  Love is not proud. To love is Christlike. Jesus  gave two commandments.  One, we are to love God with all our heart, soul and might. And the second is we are to love one another as Jesus loved us. Jesus loves us while we are yet sinners. The way to motivate others to love and good works is by loving and doing good works.  It isn’t easy at times. But we don’t face the challenge alone. God’s Holy Spirit grants us the strength needed to reach out to one another. Praying this day we find a way to extend  good to motivate the love of Jesus.

Categories: Inspirational


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