Thus says the Lord of hosts, "Consider your ways!"

As we come to the end of this unbelievable year it might do us well to reflect back on our ways.  It was a difficult year for the entire world. We have never experienced anything like it in our lifetime. Our lives were disrupted, our routines changed almost daily, our inner beliefs were challenged and our ways need considering. Were we kind when called to be? Understanding though we couldn’t understand? Did we draw closer to God as individuals not being able to draw on the strength of our congregational families?  Did we come to develop a more personal relationship with others in the times forced to stay with them? Did we reconnect with values instilled by parents and grandparents?  The world changed. Did we? In times like we’ve had, we learn much about ourselves. Do we even like ourselves? The year 2020 is probably the biggest psychological experiment of all time. No psychologist could have developed this experiment on a small scale much less a world wide lab. When God calls us to consider our ways, He also calls us to consider our purpose. We each had a specific purpose in 2020. We each have a specific purpose in 2021. This next week maybe we should spend time on reflection and consideration of our ways. Those ways we want to change, the ways we want to keep and the ways to draw closer to our Heavenly Father. Praying this day we consider our calling and purpose for 2021.

Categories: Inspirational