"Arise, for this matter is your responsibility. We are also with you. Be of good courage, and do it."

Long before Nike ‘s famous ad line of “just do it” arrived on the scene the prophet Ezra was encouraging his peers to “do it.”
When God’s purpose and will in our lives comes to us, often times we feel unqualified, unprepared and just plain scared. We rationalize, give excuses and look for ways to escape our calling. Surely God isn’t serious? He can’t mean me, can He?  Oh, but He does. He calls us to step out in faith. It may not be as large a task as beginning a ministry. Maybe He’s calling us to forgive someone. Maybe He’s calling us to pray with someone.  Maybe He’s calling us to stand by someone. He may very well be calling us to a role in a ministry. Maybe not behind a pulpit, but in our daily walk among our peers. We are here, all of us, each one of us for a specific purpose in His plan. Yet, too often we allow our plans to overshadow His.  His plan will always be completed. If we don’t accept our part in His plan He’ll have another way and another person. Ezra reminds us we’re not alone. There are others behind us. We have a responsibility. We have a Power Source to strengthen us. We just need to “do it.”  Our lives contain a Holy plan given by God’s Holy Spirit. Praying this day we step up and just do it with Holy boldness.

Categories: Inspirational