The Lord replied,"My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

God’s Presence never leaves us.  This is an amazing promise.  This is an amazing truth. No matter what we’re facing or going through we are never alone. Family and friends might abandon us, but God never does. There is comfort and rest in Him. Nothing we do shocks Him.  Our failures do not drive Him away. Our stubbornness does not sway His affection for us. Our sin does not stop His love. He patiently waits for our return to Him. He doesn’t keep score on how many mistakes we make. He simply welcomes us back into His arms. He knew we would need forgiveness. He knew we would need redemption. He knew we needed His Son to carry our sin. It is in Jesus’ sacrifice we are returned to God righteous and redeemed. Praying this day we run to His open arms, bask in His Presence and rest in His mercy.

Categories: Inspirational