The Lord Himself will fight for you, you need only be still.

Man, do we have problems being still!  We are so accustomed to going in every direction every minute. Full throttle.  It seems our society is addicted to external stimuli. We crave chaos. We have to have noise. We can’t lay our cell phones down. The covid pandemic has forced many to a new level of isolation and yet many would rather chance serious illness than being still. What does this say about us? The battles we face aren’t won because we don’t let God have them. We don’t know how to overcome the battle because we don’t have the patience to be still and come to know our God. It is in the still moments that we can hear Him speaking to us. It is in the still moments we can feel His loving Presence. It is in the stillness He comforts and guides us. The overload of noise, busyness and distractions are tools of the enemy.  It is his way of interrupting our paths to Christ and peace.  God reminds us the battle is His and instructs us to be still in His Presence. It is then the victory becomes ours.  Praying this day we seek the peaceful stillness of our Heavenly Father.

Categories: Inspirational


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