Be kind and compassionate to each other, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.

Forgive as Christ forgave. This is probably the one thing every single one of us has a hard time with. I heard someone once say “it’s easy for Jesus to forgive.” There was nothing easy about the cross. It’s the most horrific human torture. Jesus endured it so that we would be forgiven. His sacrifice brought forgiveness. When we forgive like Him we sacrifice our personal pride, our bitterness, our hurt and often times our heart. Forgiveness frees us from anger. It releases us from tightly held grudges. In forgiveness compassion is able to grow. His word reminds us that we are all sinners and yet while we were sinners He loved us. He loved us to the point of the cross and forgiveness.  Praying this day we crucify self to become Christ like in our forgiving.

Categories: Inspirational