Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ, by grace you have been saved.

Even at our worst God loves us. Unconditional love and ever present grace is ours.  He knew we would need a Savior and He prepared a plan to save. From the heart of heaven God sent His Son so that we could live.  Grace offered for our reconciliation. Death by sin became life by Christ. We all have fallen. We all have fallen short. We all have sinned. We all have the opportunity to claim His redeeming mercy. It is not forced, but offered. It is free, but not cheap. His very life paid the price. Grace, amazing grace sent in a manger, delivered on a cross and sealed with an empty tomb. Yes, once dead in our trespasses made alive by God’s only begotten Son that we, too might live. Praying this day we thank Him for life in grace.

Categories: Inspirational