But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

There are moments that we feel we are miles and miles from God. We have things and situations that separate us from His presence.  The tasks of daily life, situations we can’t control and yes, our sins, too, widen the chasm before us. Because of these we have a tendency to run from Him rather than run to Him. He lives within us. That closeness terrifies us because we’re trying to hide our many shortcomings. We can deceive other people and even ourselves,  but God cannot be deceived. The innermost  closeness is made possible through Christ. It is His blood that allows His Holy Spirit to dwell deep within us. That same blood cleanses us so that we can return to Him day after day despite our running. His mercies are new each morning. Praying this day we are blessed by His intimate nearness and welcoming arms.

Categories: Inspirational