To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven.

There is a time and purpose for all things.  Believe it or not we aren’t in charge of the time or purpose. God had everything planned before the world was spoken into existence. Seasons were established.  Man’s pride and arrogance, however, tends to make us think our will can outweigh God’s plans. How often do we try to manipulate circumstances to our favor? How often do we rush into things thinking we know better? How long do we hold onto things or others when God has clearly made it known to let go? Pride and arrogance coupled with stubbornness and defiance create in us “little god syndrome.”  We think we know more than God. We think our ways are better ways. We claim we’ve surrendered all to Christ, but we have that selfish tendency to reach back and pick up something we’ve given Him. That’s not surrendering, but lending. God’s timing and purposes are perfect. He knows the eternal outcomes He established. How He must shake His head in wonder over our attempts of control. Praying this day we welcome His timing and purposes for all things under heaven in the seasons of our lives.

Categories: Inspirational