To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.

Have you considered the seasons of your life? Not the life cycle of birth, childhood,  adulthood, and death but the seasons of circumstances.  Circumstances are seasonal in our lives. There are good times, times when everything seems to be going right for us and then there are those moments when nothing is going right. Everything seems to be wrong. I have a friend whose favorite saying is–“it is what it is.”  I don’t care for that because it sounds as if we have no control over our circumstances.  We do. Our circumstances often occur because of our actions or lack of actions. Just maybe our actions are seasonal.  We enter a season where we think clearly trusting God with our situations.  Other seasons we trust ourselves and the outcome often differs. There are times we may depend on family and friends to guide us and a different outcome surfaces. The one thing evident in each situation is a purpose exists.  Lessons to be learned. Life lessons aren’t always easy. As a matter of fact they are the hardest ones but the ones we learn the most from. Are you in a season of uncertainty or one of certainty? Search out the lesson. This season prepares you for the next season. There is always a new season waiting.  Praying this day we appreciate the value of each life season.

Categories: Inspirational


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