To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven.

There’s a saying, “timing is everything.”  This is so true. From swinging a bat just at the right moment to connect with a thrown ball to being at the right place at the right time.  Timing. The thing that possibly frustrates us more than anything is when things do not happen at our desired timing.  It could be a doctor’s appointment, a dinner date, a paper due at school or the biggest one—an answer to a prayer. We are impatient people. We speed on highways, rush through tasks, wish for the next event in our lives, always rushing on not enjoying the moment of the season we’re in. Parents often say they can’t wait for their  child to leave the “terrible twos.” But ask that Mom or Dad who has that empty nest what they wish for and many would reply for their kids to be toddlers again.  God has perfect timing for His imperfect people. We rarely feel it’s perfect until it becomes hindsight. It’s when we look back we come to realize He was right. We want our prayers to be answered when and how we want them answered. Sometimes that happens, most of the time God has a more perfect time and a more perfect answer. And though He has proven over and over He knows best we still want it our way. Years ago a phrase came out and even made it to the popularity of a bumper sticker. It simply stated, “Let go and let God.”  Five simple words but what a powerful faith statement.  If we could let go and let God  bring us into the seasons He desires we would find ourselves less stressed, less hurried, less frustrated and more in line with His purpose for us. Timing is everything. God’s timing is perfect. He is good all the time. Praying this day we trust the season and timing of our Heavenly Father.

Categories: Inspirational


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