Easter 2020

We’re not visiting or getting together, except virtually.  Our lives have been turned upside down.  Our daily patterns aren’t recognizable.  We’re not going to ball practice, the movies, or McDonald’s.

We will not be in our church with our church family.  We will not come to the Lord’s table to celebrate communion.  We will not sing the familiar hymn, “Up From The Grave He Arose.”
With all the disruptions and changes it’s difficult to see positive things. Let’s reflect for a moment–we’ve reintroduced ourselves to our loved ones, our children, our hobbies and even our stoves.  Some of us have rearranged our furniture, cleaned out the garage and attempted CORE math–not quite the positive.  Our “honey do” lists have grown smaller and we’ve binged watched the “Waltons” hoping to glean some hints on survival.  Our Pinterest saves have added 1000 recipes and phone selfies are taking on a life of their own.
When all this has passed we’ll wear T-shirts proclaiming “we have toilet paper.”  Things will be different.  We will not return to the way it was before.  We will ultimately view things differently.  We will reflect more on those things than mean something to us.  We will expect less and treasure more.
My question for you this Easter season is–have you drawn closer to God or have you drifted?  Are you in His Word?  Has He given you a word?  Are you feeling called to a new personal ministry?  Is the Lord laying people on your heart for prayer?  Are you responding?  
Here’s what remains the exact same for Easter.  The tomb is empty.  Jesus is alive.  Christ rose from the dead freely giving life for us.  Death has been defeated.  We have been redeemed by His blood.  Salvation has been purchased. Our sins have been forgiven and we stand righteous in His sight.  A place prepared and a promise of return has become ours to hold.
So you see Easter, the true Easter remains without change.  God is the same, He does not change.  His love is eternal.  His sacrifice is complete.  It is finished.
In the stillness of the moment this Easter morning, may our hearts turn to God.  May we thank Him for His Son.  May the sacrifice sink in and may we know without doubt because of Christ we now are worthy.
We pray you are blessed with all the treasures that are our because of His love.


Categories: Inspirational


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