For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you.

The Lord, our God walks in the midst of our camps. In the midst of our homes. In the midst of our jobs. In the midst of our relationships. In the midst of our hearts. In each of these areas the enemy tries to destroy and disrupt.  God will deliver us and destroy our enemies.  We are called to recognize His presence and to seek to be holy in His sight. He doesn’t call us to be perfect in His sight, but to be holy. To be holy is recognizing God and be dedicated to Him.  He knows we cannot be perfect. He knows we are flawed. He knows we fail Him over and over again. He knows we need a Savior. He knows we cannot walk alone. He walks with us in the midst of it all— everything we go through.  What a comfort to know even when friends and family may leave us God does not. Praying this day we dedicate ourselves to Him and watch the enemy be delivered into our hands.

Categories: Inspirational


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