Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.

It’s very easy to petition heaven with our wants and desires. Our troubles and concerns reach heaven moment by moment.  God hears every cry.  But prayers of thanksgiving may not be lifted as often. Our pleas often out number our praise.  Our desires outweigh our gratitude. In our darkest moments we still have blessings.  A dear friend and I were talking and remembered a saying, “without darkness we couldn’t appreciate the light.” Oh, how true.  Our needs and concerns may overwhelm us, but our blessings overtake us. We have a Heavenly Father that hears every prayer. We have a Savior who redeemed us. We have God’s very own Holy Spirit to guide us. If we had nothing else we would be richly blessed. But we have so much more to be vigilant in our thanks. Family, friends, food, homes, clean water, jobs, health, and so much more. In the midst of all that confuses and frustrates in this pandemic the tendency is to complain of what we can’t do or have. Maybe today we can reflect on what we can do and the things we do have.  Maybe today we can focus on blessings and thank God with grateful hearts for His continued love and mercy. Maybe today we can truly appreciate His saving grace. Praying this day we become vigilant in our thanksgiving.

Categories: Inspirational


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