You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.

We are chosen. Selected for God’s purpose. Appointed to carry His mission where we are. Each one has a task. We are instructed to bear fruit. The verse encourages us that what we do for God will remain. It won’t go to waste. It can and will make a difference for His kingdom.  Our God trusts us to carry His desires for others. That’s pretty remarkable! But it’s pretty scary, too. What have we done to fulfill His will? What are we doing with the gifts He has given us to use for His kingdom building? Have we taken this appointment seriously? Are we asking for guidance in Jesus name?  Many are under the impression if we ask for something in Jesus’ name we will get whatever. Notice the wording in the verse–He “may” give you. May is not necessarily a sure thing. Those kingdom building petitions will be provided. Selfish desires do not impress our Heavenly Father.  We are chosen and appointed for the time at hand.  We are given a task of sharing God’s love, mercy, grace and redemption. That is the fruit that remains. Praying this day we bring forth fruit to those God desires us to feed.

Categories: Inspirational