Though I walk in the midst of trouble You will revive me. You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me.

We often find ourselves drowning in our daily troubles and frustrations. We seem surrounded without a glint of reprieve. We crave rejuvenation. God strengthens  us to take that next step forward. He stretches His hand forth to clear a path for our journey. His word reminds us of two important directives. One, we are to be still and know that He is God. In the stillness He is able to revive us. In the stillness we are able to regroup. In the stillness we see His power.  The second directive is for us to remember the battle is not ours. He takes it over for us. He will fight for us. He  will raise up His hand against our enemies. He will save us in times of despair. He will supply our strength when we become weak. Yes, He revives our weary souls. Praying this day  we allow God to go before our troubles and take down our enemies with His right hand.

Categories: Inspirational