When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, "Son, thy sins are forgiven.'

“Thy sins are forgiven,” have to be the sweetest words spoken by our Savior. We all have sinned and have fallen short. We all deserve the condemnation of judgment. But God loves us and has made a way for forgiveness to be ours. The paralyzed man yearned for healing. His friends knew of his deepest desire to be healed. They brought him to Jesus.  The man’s hope was Jesus could heal him if only he could reach the Master. Many of us are paralyzed with fear, disappointment, anxieties, anger, frustration and unforgiveness. Is our faith visible to God? Do our friends or family know our desire to be healed? Do we know others wanting to be released of paralytic obstacles? Do we care enough to bring them to Jesus? Difficult questions require our  examination.  The most important question that faces each of us is “do we have the faith to believe Jesus can heal us of our paralyzed emotions?”  Does He see faith in us?  Praying this day our faith in Christ increases and we are forgiven and healed.

Categories: Inspirational