Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

When we feel far from God and estranged it is not Him that has drawn away, but us. God is ever present, ever watching and ever hoping we come to Him. We let so many things draw us away from fellowship with Him. We hurriedly and hastily say quick prayers never really taking the time to sit quietly and absorb His refreshing respite. We follow our little idols of busyness. We put so many things on our “to do lists” we don’t seem to have a minute to spare. It’s no wonder we are stressed, anxious, worried and tired. We don’t draw away to be with our Heavenly Father. We aren’t taking the time to hear His sweet voice. His loving reassurances are drowned out by the noise of our scripted days. We refuse to lie in His green pastures or sit by His still waters. We don’t make time for Him to restore our souls. He is so waiting for us to draw near to Him so that we can know and feel His presence.  Praying this day we draw near to Him for new breath, restoration,  strength and blessing. 

Categories: Inspirational