Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

I think we believe we have to be one or the other at all  times. When in fact our daily lives require different roles at different times. Many times it depends on the people we encounter and their needs or motives. Some need our understanding, encouragement and guidance while others have positioned themselves to take advantage of us. It’s okay to adjust to our circumstances. If we didn’t we’d be living a robotic existence.  The ability to be wise and meek allows others to see both our independence and our dependence. It allows us to use strength God has provided and allows us to be still and let God be God. The one constant? 
We are in the midst of wolves. The enemy has his pack of minions out there trying to disrupt our purpose, question our faith and create doubts at every turn. We can take heart and remind ourselves we have not been sent out alone. God is with us. He never leaves us and He grants wisdom, strength and understanding. The Shepherd is with His sheep. Praying this day we keep the wolves at bay and cause no harm to anyone.

Categories: Inspirational