Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight.

Why do we think we know more than God? Why did Adam and Eve think they knew more than God? It boils down to one thing I think–we want it our way. Right or wrong we want it our way. We rationalize why things will work out. We procrastinate hoping they will work out.  We wheel and deal trying to force it to work out. We spend energy, time and even money trying to get our way. And sadly in the end our insight was wrong. We trusted ourselves over God who is never surprised by the outcome. He’s never surprised by us. It doesn’t even surprise Him that it takes so long for us to the learn this lesson—-“He knows what’s best for us.”  Trusting Him should be so easy. When we look back on our lives and our situations, we see His hand over us. We see He’s picked us up from our past failures. He dusts us off and loves us through our mistakes and good intentions.  Praying this day we trust God and allow Him to have His way.

Categories: Inspirational