You number my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?

No tear has dropped from our eyes unnoticed by God. Tears are like prayers. They are heard for the sorrow  they shed. God gathers each of them. He bottles them. He remembers every painful moment we have cried. Tears of loss? He remembers. Tears of hurt? He remembers. Tears of  betrayal? He remembers. Tears of fear? He remembers.  Tears of sin? He remembers.  The darkest moments when we feel alone, abandoned, afraid and hopeless while our tears soak our pillows, God is there. He gathers each tear carefully placing them in His bottle of remembrance.  We are not alone. We are not abandoned. He brings hope as He wipes the tears from our cheek. Praying this day we know God collects our tears and hears our prayers.

Categories: Inspirational