If you look for Me wholeheartedly you will find Me.

Have you ever spent time looking for something?  My thought process goes something like this: I’m going to put this where I can remember where it is.  Of course,  when I need that “something” I can’t remember where I put it. Then I spend hours trying to find it. Sometimes I luck up and find it while other times I give up. Initially the search is intense.  I look everywhere. I retrace my steps. I try to remember the thought process I had when I put whatever up. I ask if anyone has seen it or moved it. The sesrch is in overdrive. Our search for God should be intense and purposeful. God isn’t playing ‘hide and seek’ or trying to dodge us. He so wants us to find Him. He wants a relationship with us. A relationship is when both parties know the other. He knows us. He knew us before He created the earth. It’s us that needs to get to know Him. Many think it’s an impossible task, but it really isn’t.  We just need to be still in His Presence, seek Him in His word and spend time talking with Him. Talking “with” Him and not talking “to” Him makes the difference. Praying this day we seek Him and find Him with our hearts.

Categories: Inspirational