The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones. You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

At one time or another we all  feel our energy zapped, dried up and depleted.  We go through the motions without a  purpose. Oh, to be refreshed!  God is able to hydrate our souls.  He is an oasis is our parched lives. Many times we are worn and depleted because of going the long way often known as “our way.”  If we had just taken the path God provided, our strength may not have depleted so quickly. We fail to accept God’s ability to provide for the journey He has chosen. Where He guides He always provides. Yet, we doubt don’t we? We are just as stubborn and stiff necked as the children of Israel. What if we were to become more like Caleb and Joshua and just believe God delivers on His promises? We don’t have to spend forty years in the wilderness. We can enter the land God has prepared for us strong, refreshed and rehydrated. Praying this day we let God guide and provide.

Categories: Inspirational