But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

One of the mysteries we may never understand is how  God meets us where we are. At our worst He loves us. In our darkest He sees a light. In our sin He has planned salvation.  We don’t have to work on becoming “good” or “perfect.”  Just as we are He takes us in His arms and saves us. Jesus went to the cross so that we can be saved. He took our sin exchanging it for God’s redemption. God loves us at our worst desiring us to accept His Son’s gift of sacrifice. God meets us in our unforgiveness and forgives. He meets us in our selfishness and is selfless. He meets us in our despair and brings hope. He meets us in our hatred and brings love. He meets us in our addictions and brings release. These aren’t fair exchanges, but His love overcomes our sin.  Praying  this  day we meet God where we are and become changed in His love.

Categories: Inspirational