Behold, I send an Angel before you, to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.

God protects our way. He has a plan and place for us in this moment. It’s hard for us to believe we are part of His overall plan. We have a part we are to fulfill. His plan will succeed with or without us. Yet, His original plan includes us. He’s prepared our places, but does not force us to participate. He allows us to have free will and choice. However, our lives would be less complicated and filled with more joy if we followed His plans and preparations. I have come to realize my stubbornness and independence has lost blessings that He prepared for me. The wonderful thing about our Heavenly Father is He allows us to rejoin His plans. Late is better than never. Praying this day we follow His angel led paths and arrive at the places He has prepared.

Categories: Inspirational