I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away; bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick; but I will destroy the fat and the strong and feed them in judgment.

Are you lost? Bound by sin or addiction? Have you been cast out by friends or family? Are you sick in any way? If you are, God is looking for you. He’s seeking to restore, heal and bring you back into His Presence. You have a special place in His heart.  He’s ready to touch you. Answers to your prayers are on the way. But if you are depending on your own strength and power your weakness will be exposed. With God, we are victors and without Him our battles are lost. He is our Refuge and Redeemer. His strength lifts us from the pits of despair. He keeps His word. Lost–He’ll find you.  Bound– He’ll free you. Weak–He’ll strengthen you. Sick– He’ll heal you. He loves us for we are His. Praying this day we believe His promises of healing, restoration, freedom and strength.

Categories: Inspirational