Seek God's will in all you do and He will direct your path.

God has a chosen path for us. It was established before the world began. So why is it we’re always wondering what that path is? Many reasons. First and foremost, we aren’t seeking God’s will. We lean on our will. Our will, to do things our way. Our will, to want things now. Our will, to react out of fear rather than faith. Our will, to please others rather than God. Our will, to please ourselves rather than God. Our will is a strong deterrent against the will of God. We’re like the Israelites–stiff necked, stubborn and refusing to listen. Like them many times we learn lessons the hard way. God has our path set. It may not be an easy path, but it is the path of least resistance. His will, His way is much easier than our will and way. Praying this day we seek His will and set ours aside.

Categories: Inspirational