Behold I say to you, "lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest."

Like the grain of wheat turned white ready for harvest, the world is ready for a Savior. So many are lost, hurting and confused. They’re needing peace, comfort and truth. The people of Christ are needed now more than ever to share the truth of grace, mercy, redemption,  salvation and God’s unconditional love. People need forgiveness.  They are carrying a heavy load of guilt, addictions, frustations and loneliness. We have the Good News. We have the Way. We can share the Hope. We know the Easter truth. Death has been overcome. God’s Son sent that we might have life, abundant life. He gives peace, peace that we crave. He offers healing, physically and emotionally. He offers love unconditionally and yes, while we are still sinners He loves us. Praying this day believers help in the harvest of the lost.

Categories: Inspirational