Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You.

Do we lift our praise as often as we lift our petition of needs?  Probably not. We often are so focused on our needs we tend to forget our blessings. We are a blessed people.  There’s a question posed that I’ve read– “What if today we woke up with only the things we thanked God for yesterday?” I wonder how many things or people would not be. The most insignificant thing we own over half the world would be honored to possess.  Many have never seen water coming from a faucet. Millions do not complain about the cost of gas for they do not have cars, motor bikes or even tractors. Millions have never had the convenience of a Kroger or Walmart.  Shoes remain simply a dream for others. Yes, we are a blessed nation. We are a blessed people. Praying this day we praise You, O God for You indeed are worthy.

Categories: Inspirational