Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth neither faints, nor is weary. His understanding is unreachable.

We’ve all heard God never tires, but do we know He does not? I can’t understand how He doesn’t grow weary of my prayers and situations alone much less adding everyone’s to the mix. Thankfully He does not. He is able to handle anything and everything I bring. More dear to me is that He’s willing to handle anything and everything I bring. He never tires of us. He never turns us away. He is always ready for our calls of despair. He’s ready to repair the broken parts of our lives. He stays poised to catch us when we fall. We try to understand why He isn’t fainting.  We search for answers. We think there must be some deep seeded philosophical answer. Yet, the answer is simple. He loves us. It’s really that simple. Love is His strength. Praying this day we know without doubt He does not faint, nor is weary over our prayers, petitions or shortcomings.

Categories: Inspirational