I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd sacrifices His life for the sheep.

While Jesus walked the earth He often foretold of His mission. He let His disciples know He was going to be killed. I’m sure they didn’t want to talk about it, much less believe it. They promised they would protect Him.  Maybe they thought it best to ignore what He was saying hoping it wouldn’t happen. We’re not much different even after His sacrifice.  We may not want to talk about it. We feel guilty that He did this for us. We promise to do better, but we don’t. He laid down His life.  He did this willingly for you and for me. We are spared because of His sacrifice.  Because this was God’s perfect plan our guilt is nailed to the cross. Our righteousness rises from an empty tomb. The Good Shepherd has gathered His sheep. He has saved us. He has told us He has done this. Praying this day we believe it, we talk about it and we share the Good Shepherd’s truth.

Categories: Inspirational