My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

Wouldn’t our lives be more pleasant if we followed this advice?  I have a few friends who can do this. Me, I have to work on it daily. Actually, it’s more like having to work on it minute by minute. Listening isn’t a problem. Responding isn’t always a problem. It’s the slow to anger that often gets me. I’ve been told if you say “split second prayers” it helps “split bursts of anger.”  Before answering the phone, or responding to someone just simply praying, “Jesus help me” can change our tones and responses. When opening the door for His Holy Spirit to enter the situation our frustrations can be eased. We, too often think we don’t need God’s help in what we consider to be the little things. How many times do the little things morph into giants?  Praying this day we listen in love, speak with wisdom and turn our anger over to God.

Categories: Inspirational