Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip.

So many times we find ourselves on slippery paths. Most of the time we’re there because of choices we made. We’ve chosen paths without waiting on God to reveal the path we should have taken. Maybe we rushed a relationship.  Maybe we took a job without researching all aspects. Instant  gratification is definitely a trap we fall into easily. We tend to overlook the fact God established specific paths and choices for us before the world was formed. Our impatience steers us in the wrong direction.  The word “wait” is so hard for us to learn, isn’t it? We try to hurry the seasons of our lives. In doing so we miss so much. We often miss our path. God is a gracious and loving God. He allows redirection. He is able to put us back on the right path. He can straighten the crooked. He can find the lost.  He can secure our steps. Praying  this day we seek His guidance for the path He has chosen for us.

Categories: Inspirational